
No Matter How Far, Don't Forget to Go Home

Sharing With Alumni It's simple, if we want to succeed, help others, said Bro Peki, one of my senior brothers of Mining Engineering Department in Sriwijaya University who currently works at PT Freeport Indonesia. We enthusiastically waited for the story to continue.  "In the stage of company recruitment, I always failed at the last stage. Some even look certain. When interviewing, interviewer said to me "if  you succeed, you would only work in my department."  Hearing that, of course, I was happy, in fact, I failed.", Bro Peki told us about his interview process story. I said "It must have hurt, brother,  failed in the final stage" . "Certainly. Intend in your heart never to fail at the same stage. Especially in the early stages." Bro Peki answered. "Previously on the way to Yogyakarta when going to take part in the selection of PT Freeport Indonesia, on the plane there was a old woman who sat far from her family

Abdiku untuk Negara #1

Indonesia merupakan Negara penuh dengan keberagaman adat, suku, dan  budaya. Pulau yang membentang dari Sabang sampai Merauke menyatukan penghuninya sebagai Warga Negara Indonesia. Satu Negara, satu sejarah, senasib sepenanggungan. 74 Tahun Indonesia merdeka, Sang Saka merah putih bebas berkibar di bumi Indonesia berkat pengorbanan para pahlawan yang gugur di medan juang. Kita sebagai orang yang menikmati Kemerdekaan, seberapa besar kecintaan kita terhadap Bangsa Indonesia? Sudahkah kita mengambil peran? Atau hanya bagai air yang mengalir mengikuti arus? Atau sebagai layang-layang yang mengikuti angin? Negara ini tidak mampu bertahan tanpa adanya abdi Negara yang tulus mengabdikan diri untuk untuk Negara Indonesia ini. Terkadang abdi Negara hanya diartikan secara struktur. Seorang abdi Negara hanya mereka yang berprofesi sebagai PNS, pegawai pemerintahan termasuk BUMN, BUMD, dan aparat pemerintahan lainnya. Seharusnya abdi Negara ini bukan sebuah profesi tetapi abdi Negara dij

Lirik Lagu Mars Permata (Persatuan Mahasiswa Pertambangan) FT Unsri

Logo Permata FT Unsri Berikut adalah lirik lagu Mars Permata FT Unsri: Teknik Pertambangan Unsri Jayalah untuk Negeri Pencetak Generasi Kesatria Kesatria Tambang Si Penghujam Bumi Kokoh Berdiri Tegak Busungkan Dada Kuat Cerdas Berprestasi Terpatri dalam Jiwa-Jiwa yang Tangguh Pengemban Peradaban Tambang Dalam Satu Kata Permata Kami Bernaung di Bawah Panjinya Bersatu Teguh dan Penuh Bakti Demi Bangsa dan Ibu Pertiwi Dalam Satu Kata Permata Mari Maju Gemparkan Dunia Dengan Hati yang Sekuat Baja Tuk Wujudkan Indonesia Jaya Bhumi Anthar Ghatas Susta Bhavanias Itu Semboyan Kami Bumi Anthar Ghatas Susta Bhavanias Itu Kekuatan Kami Berikut ini adalah mp3 Mars Permata Unsri: Ayo dengarkan Mars Permata FT Unsri Jika Indonesia mempunyai Indonesia Raya, maka Teknik Pertambangan Unsri mempunyai Mars Permata. Mars Permata dinyayikan pada acara formal seperti pembukaan upacara misalnya upacara memperingati Ulang Tahun Kemerdekaan Indonesia, Ulang Tahun Permata,

A Month Using the Linkedin Application

Almost a month ago I installed this LinkedIn application. Every day always gets lessons. There are those who are struggling to find work. Share a bitter failure and sweet experience to achieve success. So there is no reason not to be grateful. LinkedIn On the other hand, I also find people who are fighting so that other people can get maximum information about work, selflessly, sincerely. One of them is Mr. Muhammad Anwar. And I was always intrigued by the motivational submissions, one of them from Mr. Peter Febian who injected enthusiasm to improve self quality. In this application, I can also connect with a very good connection, even though I have never known before. Those who are professionals do not hesitate to greet the younger ones. I can also connect with alumni and distant relatives. In addition, I can find out the latest information about the World of Mining, of course, as a field of my interest. So far, I like this application. Connect with me on Lin

Two Feelings: Accepted or Rejected

There is one thing that makes people hesitate in doing something. A feeling that can stop or not even do it at all. I'll show you something. First, have you ever typed a message so long as to send to someone? Then after the message has been typed, you reread it, and you think it will be sent or not. Then suddenly you delete the message again and don't send it. I have ever. Second, you really want something and you hope to get it. Then you are disappointed because you can't get it. I have ever. Third, once, you have seen people you know. At that time, you did not call him. You don't want to call, but for some reason. I have ever. The three events illustrate that something is causing it to happen, namely a feeling of rejection. In fact, we are not ready for a rejection. In the first incident, it did not send a message, fear of being unreply, fear of typo, all the causes were fear of rejection. Then the second incident, disappointed because it coul

Talk to Yourself

Hello Dear... How are you? In this article I will share tips for those of you who want to say something but can't say it. The method is very easy and simple. let's start... First, look at you? Is there a mirror near you now? If it's not there, look for a mirror. Then take a look. Who did you see? You yourself don't you? I confirmed yes. Then start a conversation with the mirror. Whatever you have in your mind. I give an example. When I look in the mirror, I look at the person I saw in the mirror, and I say "Fighting Mayyyyy...". Spirit can be obtained from anyone and everywhere. There are times when you can't get from others, you can get it from yourself. The way is by talking to yourself. Talk to yourself Have you looked in the mirror and said it? How do you feel now? I hope it's better. Palembang, March 23, 2019 Mayang Sari

Makna Sembuh

Kabut pagi menyiratkan dingin Membuat pandang tak begitu nyata Seseorang di pojokan 3x4 itu termenung pikirannya melayang Menerbangkan mimpi Menunggu selalu menjadi suasana yang tak ia sukai Cemas dan harap mengahantuinya setiap saat Seseorang tersebut merasa lapar Kemudian ia masak di dapur Malangnya, jarinya teriris pisau Darah menetes membuat merah sebagian lantai Sakit, sakit, sakit, luka ini begitu menyakitkan, ia membatin Sepanjang jalan luka itu menuju sembuh Seseorang tersebut mendapati bahwa bukan pisau yang menggoresnya dulu Bukan sama sekali Luka itu sakit?  Benar Luka itu perih? Tepat sekali Bukan perih dan sakit yang seseorang itu rasa lagi Dari luka, ia belajar makna sembuh Palembang, 18 Maret 2018 Mayang Sari