A Month Using the Linkedin Application

Almost a month ago I installed this LinkedIn application. Every day always gets lessons. There are those who are struggling to find work. Share a bitter failure and sweet experience to achieve success. So there is no reason not to be grateful.


On the other hand, I also find people who are fighting so that other people can get maximum information about work, selflessly, sincerely. One of them is Mr. Muhammad Anwar. And I was always intrigued by the motivational submissions, one of them from Mr. Peter Febian who injected enthusiasm to improve self quality.

In this application, I can also connect with a very good connection, even though I have never known before. Those who are professionals do not hesitate to greet the younger ones. I can also connect with alumni and distant relatives.

In addition, I can find out the latest information about the World of Mining, of course, as a field of my interest.

So far, I like this application.

Connect with me on LinkedIn Application:
Mayang Sari on LinkedIn

 #linkedin #motivating #positiveenergy #mining

Palembang, March 22, 2019
Mayang Sari


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